This cabinet highlights key artifacts related to military logistics and support, including various military Bibles offering comfort to soldiers, a brassard or armlet with an insignia, a cloth shoulder patch representing postal units, a guide to Canadian military postal history, and slip-ons representing a Chaplain Corps rank.



  • Accoutrements, Logistics - Logistics purse complete

    Accoutrements, Logistics

    Logistics personnel provide the transportation, equipment and supplies for the movement of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and all types and sizes of cargo throughout the world. The responsibilities of Logistics include: Procurement. Warehousing items and material control Distribution and disposal of military material, equipment, and ammunition Coordination of food services, postal services, human resource …

  • Bibles - image1


    β€œTHE WORD OF GOD BRINGS COMFORT TO SOLDIERS.” Military Bibles help Regular Force service members, Reservists, and veterans to find hope in often difficult circumstances. When and wherever the Canadian military serves, bibles are available for them, from the First World War to Afghanistan and beyond. In 1914, the Canadian Bible Society (CBS) began distributing …

  • Brassard or armlet - aaaa

    Brassard or armlet

    A brassard or armlet is an armband or piece of cloth or other material worn around the upper arm; the term typically refers to an item of uniform worn as part of military uniform or by police or other uniformed persons. Unit, role, rank badges or other insignia are carried on it instead of being …

  • Cloth shoulder patch - 11 - Copy

    Cloth shoulder patch

    Military unit patches are worn on the left shoulder, the insignia on the patch represents the brigade or division the service member is currently assigned to. HISTORICAL CONTEXT – The cloth shoulder title evolved during the war years, becoming a ubiquitous feature of the battledress uniform. Formation patches (Brigades, Corps, and Divisions) also underwent major …

  • Guide, Postal History - Postal History Society of Canada (PHSC)

    Guide, Postal History

    A Guide to Canadian Military Postal History 1636β€’1970, by Lt. Col. Roland H. Webb, (right picture) edited by Robert Toombs, Gray Scrimgeour and Brian Plain. The extremely well written 1970 typescript by Lt. Col. Webb resided unpublished at the National Postal Museum / Library and Archives Canada, from shortly after 1970 until November 2013, when …

  • Service, Post Office - image1

    Service, Post Office

    Canada’s post office was created, 16 years before Confederation. At that time, the Province of Canada was given the official responsibility for the post office, until then administered by the British post office. It became one of the first departments to be formed in the new federal government after 1867. When the First World War …

  • Slip-on - 12 - Copy


    What is the purpose of an epaulette? Epaulet, sometimes spelt Epaulettes, were originally ornamental shoulder decorations that showed military rank. They have since been adopted as a fashion statement. From the shoulder pteruges of Ancient Rome, to ribbons worn on military coats, the epaulet (taken from the French ‘little shoulder’) was a mark of valour. …

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