Senate – Awards

The Service Battalion Senate, Inc. offers three annual awards to serving reservists in good standing with 17 Service Company.

The Senate Scholarship Award

Senate Scholarship Award 2021 Pte Darpan Vora

17 Service Company reservists must be attending a publicly funded, post-secondary institution fulltime to be eligible. This includes colleges or universities. The award is intended to help defray the costs of tuition and books. Applications for the award are generally available through the Company Orderly Room or on the website after mid-September. The award is presented at the Company Holiday Dinner usually held in late November or early December. A cheque and certificate are provided.

The Service Battalion Senate, Inc. Performance Recognition Award


17 Service Company reservists must have completed as many Individual Battle Task Standards (IBTS) as possible within unit constraints, have attended as many unit parade evenings, exercise weekends, and trade courses as possible within personal constraints, and be nominated. Nominations for the award are generally available through the Company Orderly Room or on the website after mid-September. The award is presented at the Company Holiday Dinner usually held in late November or early December. A “keeper” plaque and unit soft cover history are provided.

MCpl HueTuyet Tang received Performance Recognition award
On 16 Jan 24, MCpl HueTuyet Tang of 17 Service Company received the (Winnipeg) Service Battalion Senate’s 2023 annual Performance Recognition award of a plaque and unit history from (L) LCol (ret’d) Dale Watts, Senate Chair, and (R) Maj (ret’d) Erv Gerbrandt, Senate Secretary.

The Service Battalion Senate, Inc. “Top Gun” Award


This is a 38 Service Battalion-level award for the “best shot” in 38 Service Battalion during annual weapons classification training based on marksmanship with the C7 rifle. 17 Service Company soldiers are eligible. The trophy resides permanently in the CSS Museum at Minto Armouries. Determination of the trophy recipient will be by the highest score achieved on range classification results. A “keeper” plaque is provided by the individual’s Service Company.

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