Museum – Donations

Both The Service Battalion Senate, Inc and the 38 Service Battalion Combat Service Support (CSS) Museum operate on a volunteer basis with donations and grants providing the major source of funding annually.

The Service Battalion Senate, Inc. also sponsors and hosts an annual Bingo Bowl fundraising event to generate funds for a scholarship award for a serving reservist in good standing in 17 Service Company who is attending a Manitoba public, post-secondary, educational institution on a full-time basis. The Senate provides some financial support for 17 Service Company for non-issue items and for the Winnipeg Grenadiers Cadet Corps.

Other than donations from Senate members, museum visitors and fundraising events, The Service Battalion Senate, Inc. relies on grants from Manitoba Sport, Culture and Heritage for museum-related projects and on a Community Museum and/or Manitoba Arts Council grant.

Monetary donations are very much appreciated for the Senate, the scholarship award and the CSS Museum. As The Service Battalion Senate, Inc is a registered charitable organization, tax receipts will be issued for any donations over $20. Cheques may be made out to “The Service Battalion Senate, Inc.”

You may donate online by credit card using the form below or download the printable donation form to donate by mail.


Donation Form

Registered Charitable Number: 87152 7339 RR0001

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