Tablets, Water Purification

Tablets, Water Purification - Tablets water purification (1)Wholesome drinking water has become recognized as one of the important elements entering into the conduct of warfare. Water is used for such a variety of purposes that it is absolutely necessary to both man and beast. Without water of any sort, an Army would soon become entirely demoralized and actually perish. Water is as necessary to an Army as food and transportation. It is far more necessary than either clothing or shelter.

Water purification tablets are intended for use in emergency situations when the only water present is known or suspected to contain harmful bacteria.

Portable water purification chemicals are available in tablet, liquid, and powder form and contain different disinfectants from different manufactures. They can be added to untreated water to kill harmful microorganisms and make the water safer to drink. Water purification tablets are one of the many ways in which water may be treated to kill off many of the common waterborne diseases, bacteria, viruses, and cysts.

Essentially, water purification tablets are small, pill-sized lumps of water treatment chemicals that can be used to kill off the microorganisms that cause waterborne diseases.

To use water purification tablets, one need only drop a tablet into the manufacturer’s specified quantity of water (usually 1 litre) and wait for the specified length of time.

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