A critical component of morale and support in the Canadian military is Food Services. In the Army, on exercise, field kitchens can support several hundred soldiers with meals 2- 3 times daily. In garrison, military personnel may access food three times daily through various messes (eating facilities). In both cases, a recipe book is handy to accommodate the large quantity of meals to be prepared. At left is a Canadian Army Recipe Book.
The recipes in it have been developed to yield amounts sufficient for 100 persons. The yield is stated by weight or measure, depending upon whether the cooked food is solid or liquid. The size of serving is included as a guide in preparation and service.
Intended for use by Army Cooks, one copy is issued to each cook. One copy was issued also to RCA Service Corps Food Service Officers, RCA Medical Corps Dietitians and to all units of the Canadian Army having messing facilities for the use of Unit Messing Officers.
Book size: 8 inch by 9inches tall. 230 pages. Index. Title: Canadian Army Recipe Book
Publisher: Queen’s Printer / Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa; Publication Date: 1957 Binding: Hardcover
Example of a meal:
Main Dish: Pork Chops with Cranberry Sauce: (2 chops), 50 ml sauce. Serve with Almonds Mixed Rice or Barley with Mushrooms.
Desserts: Blueberry Pie, cut each pie into 8 portions.
Vegetables: Potato Wedges Parmesan, as an appetizer serve 4 wedges.
Misc.: Yorkshire Pudding, Portion: 30g. (1 Yorkshire pudding)