Pin, lapel, Canadian General Service 2WW

This is a Canadian General Service 2WW lapel pin. It is marked Sterling on the back, along with an IMPRISONMENT CLAUSE. The front has a crown and maple leaf on a crest shape design. There is a number on the back.

This is for Honor to Serve the Country and in the War for the Veterans. It measures approximately 1″ x .5″.

Pin, lapel, Canadian General Service 2WW - Canadian General Service WWII Lapel Pin: Sterling Crown  image 1Pin, lapel, Canadian General Service 2WW - image2Eligibility and criteria: On Friday, March 29th, 1940 Canada’s Administrator in Council, W. Duff, signed an Order in Council P.C.1022. This established the War Service Badge “Service” Class. This was for members of the Naval, Military or Air Forces of Canada who have declared their willingness, or who have engaged, to serve in any of the said forces on active service beyond Canada and Overseas, during the present war, and who have been honorably ceased to serve on active service:

Description: The proposed badge was to be a large white metal button 1 3/8” high by 7/8” wide (35mm by 22 mm) with shank and back, on top a crown, underneath a panel with a stamped serial number, then a shield with three maple leafs, in red enamel, on a single stem, with a Union Jack in the upper left corner and three gold fleurs-de-lis in a blue circle on the upper right. On the bottom was to be a scroll with the word “SERVICE”. On the reverse was to be the raised legend “PENALTY FOR MISUSE 500 DOLLARS OR SIX MONTHS IMPRISONMENT.”

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