MA cap, men’s, winter, fur worn during the unification period with RCEME insignia.

Lighter, zippo, commemorative with RCEME crest, 1944 -1994.

This plaque was made by the 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade Workshop (RCEME) of the 3rd Canadian Inf Div. in Ghent, Belgium in 1944. RCEME was a founding component of the Winnipeg Service Battalion.

Tie and Tie Clip
Tie and clip EME 50th anniversary tie clip with standard issue tie.

Badge, Trade
This is a RCEME trade badge worn on a sleeve of the battle dress uniform to signify trade qualification.

Schedule, Preventive Maintenance
A schedule, Canadian Army, “compulsory preventive maintenance schedule “B” Vehicles (Except Motorcycles) 5000 Miles, 1942. It contains a list of 38 inspection Items.

This pamphlet, produced by the Canadian Legion War Services, provided information for service courses on “Automotive Engineering”.

A manual, Canadian Army, Instruction in Elementary Motor Mechanics, “What Makes It Tick” 1942.