Medal, UN Forces in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

Medal, UN Forces in Cyprus (UNFICYP) - image1Context: In the interest of international peace and security, the mission was established in March 1964 to use its best efforts to prevent the recurrence of fighting between the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots and, as necessary, to contribute to the maintenance and restoration of law and order and a return to normal conditions.

Eligibility and Criteria: This medal was awarded for 30 days service between 27 March 1964 and 27 March 1965. However, after 27 March 1965, 90 days consecutive service was required.

The qualifying service is not required for members killed or presumed killed while on assignment. In such cases, the medal may be awarded posthumously.

Description: It is a circular bronze alloy medal, 1.4 inches (35mm) in diameter.

On the obverse, the representation of the UN symbol surmounted by the straight letters UN, both in bas-relief. On the reverse, an inscription bearing the words “IN THE SERVICE OF PEACE” in English (and only in English).

A 0.5-inch (12mm) bronze ring, which holds the ribbon, passes through a small hollow ball at the top of a claw joined to the top of the medal.

The ribbon has three equal bars, one of white in the centre and two of UN blue at either end. The bars are separated by two narrow bands of dark blue symbolizing the Mediterranean Sea.

Historical notes: There has been 27 members of the Canadian Armed Forces who have died while serving in the theatre of operations to date.

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