Masks, Gas

Gas masks were initially not considered an important piece of equipment in the First World War until poison gas attacks by Germany took the Allies on the Western Front by surprise, resulting in many casualties.

Masks, Gas - image1The British small box respirator was first introduced to British soldiers in April 1916 – a few months before the Battle of the Somme. By January 1917, it had become the standard issue gas mask for all British soldiers. By then, the value of a gas mask could be seen in the reduced number of fatalities the British suffered from poison gas which were far fewer than the total British deaths of the first day of the Somme. With this more advanced mask, there were only 8,100 deaths from poison gas for the remainder of the First World War. This included many Canadian soldiers.

Masks, Gas - image2Colonel Cluny Macpherson was a Canadian physician and the inventor of an early gas mask. After the First World War he served as the President of the St. John’s Clinical Society and the Newfoundland Medical Association. The gas mask was one of the most important innovations of the First World War.

Note: At the time he invented the gas mask, Macpherson was considered British because he was a resident of Newfoundland. In 1949 he would have become a Canadian along with all his fellow Newfoundlanders. It can be safely said the gas mask was invented by a Canadian, even if it might have to be considered a retroactive feat.

Evolution of the Canadian Gas Mask. The Battle of Ypres and the invention of the gas mask marked the beginning of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defence. After the First World War, chemical warfare continued to expand in scope and intensity. As a result, the need to provide effective protection for Canadian soldiers stimulated the improvement and sophistication of the gas mask in Canada.

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