Helmet, Type 92, Japanese, Second World War

The M1932 helmet was the standard helmet of the Japanese military during World War II and its pre-war invasions of Asia. The helmet was designed and put into service in 1931-32 for the Imperial Japanese Army. The design resembled a steel pot with a helmet liner and strap. It saw all the actions of the Japanese during the Second World War.

Helmet, Type 92, Japanese, Second World War  - image1The Type 92 Helmet (also known as “Tetsukabuto” or “Steel Helmet“) was designed and issued in 1932. It became the principal issue to the standard Imperial Japanese soldier.

Made of a single piece of corrugated steel, it had a continuous brim crimp extending around the perimeter. It fit low on the head and provided adequate protection.

Type 92 helmets also featured a raised metal star attached to the front which was the symbol for The Imperial Army. Helmets were normally painted a dark green and featured a cloth cover. Made of Bulan cloth, the cover was traditionally khaki or tan. Placed over the exterior of the helmet, it was held in place with a single fitted strap.

Helmet, Type 92, Japanese, Second World War  - image2The Japanese did not have a helmet camouflage system for their soldiers. Soldiers would improvise by cutting slits into the liner to accommodate small, leaved branches when needed.

The lettering on the helmet translate to a Japanese last name MASAKI.

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