The United Nations flag was approved by General Assembly resolution 167 (II) on 20 October 1947. The resolution states “the flag of the United Nations shall be the official emblem adopted by the General Assembly under the terms of its resolution 92 (I) of 7 December 1946, centered on a light blue ground.”
The flag of the United Nations consists of the emblem depicting the white azimuthal equidistant projection (Azimuthal equidistant projection maps can be useful in terrestrial point to point communication), of the world map, centered on the North Pole, with two white olive branches placed on to its right and left, located on the sky-blue background. The emblem was officially adopted on 7 December 1946, and the flag on 20 October 1947.
The blue and white flag of the UN consists of the two olive branches encasing a picture of the world. The olive branches and map are in white whereas the rest of the flag is blue. The two olive branches represent peace and the map represents the countries of the world.