Equipment, Vehicle

Equipment, Vehicle - Slave cable - CopyThis 18 foot “slave” cable was used to jump start MLVW military trucks with dead batteries. Outside of military use, they are more commonly referred to as jumper cables. They provide a vehicle-to-vehicle power boost. Each vehicle must have the same connector type for the cable to work. The picture (right) shows a connector type on a vehicle, (left) shows the slave cable in the museum, (Centre) shows the connector on both ends of the slave cable. The cable ends match the connecter.

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A jerry can is a container made for holding different kinds of liquids, including gasoline and diesel, kerosene, chemicals, lubricants, water, etc. It is easy to quickly attach a hose to prevent spills while filling a vehicle.

Equipment, Vehicle - image4Jerry Cans, gas, (L), are a 20 litre or 5-gallon metal can with gas spout generally painted green. In the 1990’s these were replaced with plastic containers to reduce friction and possible sparks. They are also more affordable than metal cans.

Jerry Can, water (R), plastic, holds 5 US gallons and has been used since the 70’s. Gas and water jerry cans are coloured differently so there is less chance of confusing them and contaminating the water container with gas.

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