Known as Porcija JNA M-69 (often called the “Serbian mess kit”), the Yugoslav Army mess kit M-69 is a six- piece, standard issue, mess kit from the former Yugoslav People’s Army. The Porcija JNA M-69 shown is a complete mess kit that supports all the soldier’s needs to cook and eat in the field.
Country of Origin: Serbia
The complete kit contains:
A 2mm thick aluminum cooking pot with folding handle, volume 8 deciliters (1 deciliters equal ¹/₁₀ liter or 3.52 fl oz.): 10cm H x 12cm W x 8cm D
A tough thermoplastic plastic serving dish which can act as a lid for the pot. Its volume is 6 deciliters 9cm H x 12cm W x 8cm D
1-litre thermoplastic canteen: 18cm H x 11cm W x 7cm D
A square thermoplastic cup, volume 1.5 deciliters
An olive-drab carrier bag made of canvas
Dimensions: The overall dimensions of the combined mess kit are: 19 cm H x 12 cm W x 8 cm L.
The weight of the mess kit empty is 0.7kg and it is olive drab. The Porcija JNA M-69 includes a canteen. All components fit into each other to form one whole and are kept together with the aluminum pot’s handle which snaps on to the food dish/cover. As most of the kit is made of tough plastic, including the canteen, it is very light. Its cubic design helps packing. The canvas cover, which closes with a snap on button, has cloth loops to attach to the soldier’s webbing belt. It also includes an internal pocket for eating utensils.