Dress Regulations for the Canadian Militia 1907

A soldier must maintain a professional appearance to show a professional image, pride, and self discipline while maintaining a high standard of deportment to demonstrate their professionalism. The photo shows Dress Regulations for the Canadian Militia dated 1907.

Code, Dress  - image1Military dress and designs have gone through many changes over the years. For service members and veterans, uniforms serve to communicate and identify rank, years of service, duty assignments, and awards won in one quick glance.

A dress code is a set of rules, often written, about what clothing groups of people must wear. Dress codes are created from social perceptions and norms, and vary based on purpose, circumstances, and occasions.

The Canadian Armed Forces updated its dress code in Sept 2022, to be more inclusive and to keep pace with the society it serves. Service members and applicants are now allowed to wear longer hairstyles, have facial hair and face tattoos among other changes —except where it’s operationally unsafe.

The Canadian Forces Dress Code was dated, so the policy was likely overdue for revision going back to the mid-20th century.

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