Calculator, Water Contamination

The Radiac Calculator No. 1 6665-110060 (1952-1956) was produced by Blundell Rules Limited of Luton England.

Calculator, Water Contamination   - image1If the radioactivity exposure rate (roentgens/hr.) is known at a given time after a nuclear explosion, the calculator predicts the exposure rate at any other time. It also estimates the dose to personnel who are in the area at a specified period after the explosion.

Calculator, Water Contamination   - image2A somewhat unique feature of this calculator is the central two circles have two sides: a blue side for calculations involving contamination generated at Sea, and a pink side for contamination generated by detonations over Land.

The effective half-lives of the fallout would be different in the two situations because the radionuclide makeup of the fallout would be different. To change sides, the metal clip in the center is removed and the circles are flipped over. Reference information for this calculator was obtained from the Civil Defence League of Canada.

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