Boots, Combat, Canadian, Mark 3 (1982 to 2000)

Combat boots are military boots designed to be worn by soldiers during combat or combat training, rather than during parades and other ceremonial duties. The Canadian Army adopted a rubber soled combat boot. Boot care was officially to be done with special preservative issued in metal tins rather than boot polish. The combat boot was worn with Work Dress as well as the combat uniform, and continued in use with the new CADPAT (digital camouflage pattern) uniforms. A good pair of assault boots protects a soldier against moisture, slips, and shocks, improves responsiveness, and provides all-day comfort and support.

Boots, Combat, Canadian, Mark 3 (1982 to 2000) - image1Canadian MK 3 Combat: The boot has super thick leather, with 9 eyelets, heavy duty laces, is of good quality and is made in Canada. The boots are designed to require no major repair and to provide maximum water protection.

History: Combat Boots have been worn by soldiers since the age of ancient Assyrians and Romans as a regular part of military apparel. However, the boots the Romans wore were quite different from modern-day boots as they consisted of only soft leather and sometimes pieces of animal bones as togs. The boots the Romans wore, called caligae, were sometimes open in the toe or heel for easy maneuverability and comfort, regardless of the dangers of having exposed feet in battle.

Boots, Combat, Canadian, Mark 3 (1982 to 2000) - image2Traditionally contemporary boots are made of hardened and sometimes waterproofed leather. There are also often specialized boots for certain climates and conditions, such as jungle boots, desert boots, and cold weather boots as well as for specific uses, such as tanker boots and jump boots. (Picture of 3rd Division Boots)

Present: The 3rd Canadian Division is a formation of the Canadian Army in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, as well as all units extending westwards from the city of Thunder Bay. The bottom picture is a Canadian 3rd Division special issue boot.

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