Booklet, “Shoot to Kill”

The top photo is a Second World War Army military pamphlet/booklet known as “PART X BASIC & BATTLE PHYSICAL TRAINING “.

Booklet, “Shoot to Kill”  - image1

Shoot to Kill’ had long been a British Army slogan, appearing in numerous training films and pamphlets.

In the late 70s and early 80s a new introductory pamphlet on marksmanship– ‘Shoot to Live’–replaced the old slogan. The latter slogan emphasized a defensive rather than an offensive mindset which was more consistent with the general public mindset at that time

These two booklets are pictorial manuals of basic battle training with rifles for infantrymen. However, the Canadian army military philosophy has always been regardless of trade, army individuals are soldiers first, tradespersons second.

Booklet, “Shoot to Kill”  - image2The manual’s aim is to enable soldiers to acquire complete mastery over their weapons in action. It shows how rifles are to be handled by day and night, at rest or in movement, and shows a series of physical exercises by which complete facility with the weapon can be achieved.

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