Accessories, Police, Military

Accessories, Police, Military  - image1The policeman’s whistle, (mainly used for signaling), was able to attract attention when directing road traffic and could call for reinforcements. When blown, it creates a sharp tone, unpleasant to most hearers, which makes it an effective signal.

Historical note: The London Police were keen to find a better way for the “Bobby on the Beat” to communicate with nearby colleagues when in need of help. Joseph Hudson’s first police whistle (1883) provided the answer. It was easily heard over a mile’s distance, 100% reliable, a distinctive identifiable sound, attention grabbing and authoritative.

Accessories, Police, Military  - image2

This military helmet was used mostly in a field environment when signing convoy routes or directing traffic. It was donated by Mcpl William Kennedy.

Accessories, Police, Military  - image3

A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out routine operations.

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