This cabinet showcases tools and equipment used by RCEME craftsmen and military personnel for repairs and maintenance. From blowtorches and soldering irons to calipers, drills, and go/no-go gauges, these artifacts illustrate the importance of precision and skill in keeping military electrical and mechanical operations running smoothly. Featured items include vintage tools, modern equivalents, and instruments essential for ensuring quality and functionality in military hardware and vehicles.

Blowtorches are typically a single, hand-held unit, with their draught (current of air) supplied by a natural draught of air and the liquid fuel pressurized initially by a hand plunger pump, then by regenerative heating (heat exchanger) once the torch is in operating state. The blowtorch (blowlamp) is of ancient origin and was used as a tool …
Calipers, Chisel, Drift Tool
A tool is any hand-held instrument or simple piece of equipment used to do a particular kind of work. Shown are items from the CSS Museum, used by RCEME Craftsmen, and some new items if purchased today. Calipers –Calipers are used to take precise measurements of the inside, outside, depth measurements of objects. Calipers are used in …
Drill, File, Gauge
A tool is any hand-held instrument or simple piece of equipment used to do a particular kind of work. Shown below are items from the CSS Museum and new items if purchased today. Drill, hand (breast) – This portable breast drill was placed against the chest or shoulder to increase the pressure and force the drill …
Gauge, Go/No-go
A go/no-go gauge refers to an inspection tool used to check a workpiece against its allowed tolerances via a go/no-go test. Its name is derived from two tests: the check involves the workpiece having to pass one test (go) and fail the other (no-go). A go/no-go gauge is an integral part of the quality process that is used in the manufacturing industry to ensure interchangeability …
Hammer, Nails, Pliers
A tool is any hand-held instrument or simple piece of equipment used to do a particular kind of work. Shown below are items from the CSS Museum and new items if purchased today. Hammer, ball – A ball-peen, also known as a machinist’s hammer, is a type of peening (part of the head of a hammer, or round ball) …
Irons, Soldering, Copper Tip
Soldering and brazing are thought to have originated very early in the history of metalworking, probably before 4000 BC. Sumerian swords from c. 3000 BC were assembled using hard soldering. Soldering was historically used in making jewelry, cookware and cooking tools, assembling stained glass, and other uses. Soldering is the process by which two pieces of …
Miscellaneous, Maintenance
Cap MA cap, men’s, winter, fur worn during the unification period with RCEME insignia. Lighter Lighter, zippo, commemorative with RCEME crest, 1944 -1994. Plaque This plaque was made by the 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade Workshop (RCEME) of the 3rd Canadian Inf Div. in Ghent, Belgium in 1944. RCEME was a founding component of the Winnipeg …
A tool is any hand=held instrument or simple piece of equipment used to do a particular kind of work. Shown below are items from the CSS Museum and new items if purchased today. Scope, Range – Manufactured by Saturn Telescope, Berkeley CA., this instrument is used to observe target hits on a weapons range. Shaves, spoke …
Tin Snips
A tool is any handheld instrument or simple piece of equipment used to do a particular kind of work. Shown below are items from the CSS Museum and new items if purchased today. Snips, Tin – Tin snips (also known as tinner snips and shears) are hand tools specifically designed to cut sheet metal. They are highly …
Web Belts and History
Canadian Provost Corps (Military Police) The Canadian Provost Corps was created in 1940 as a corps of the Canadian Army. In Sep 1939, acting on a recommendation from the Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Minister of Justice granted authority to form a “Provost” company from RCMP volunteers. No. 1 Provost Company …
Wrench, Monkey
A “monkey wrench” is a hand-forged adjustable wrench from the early 1900s. The monkey wrench is a type of adjustable wrench, a 19th century American refinement of 18th-century English horse-drawn coach wrenches. It was widely used in the 19th and early 20th century. It is still occasionally used in maintenance and repair when convenient. The term monkey wrench is sometimes …