This cabinet showcases Canada’s military contributions abroad, highlighting its involvement in the Afghanistan mission (2001-14) and its longstanding commitment to UN peacekeeping efforts. From costly battles to global peace initiatives, these artifacts represent Canada’s evolving role in international conflict and diplomacy.



  • Armlet with Canada shoulder patch, ISAF

    Afghanistan Patches

    Armlet with Canada shoulder patch, ISAF (described below) and KMNB patch. The “Canadian Forces KMNB Kabul Multinational Brigade Afghanistan Tan Patch” is a distinctive military insignia representing the service and commitment of Canadian Forces personnel who were part of the Kabul Multinational Brigade (KMNB) in Afghanistan.  Tactical Combat Casualty Care shoulder patch. May be worn …

  • aides and memorial

    Aides and Memorial

    Aides, Memoire These pocket-sized documents focus on combat stress reaction of military personnel. They describe how to help alleviate mental and emotional stress in a combat environment. Aide, Translation This English to Serbo-Croat translation used during the Balkan war focuses on numbers, pleasantries, vehicle searches, checkpoints, and shopping. Memorial This piece is from the temporary …

  • Beret/Helmet/Cap, Light Blue, United Nations        - image1

    Beret/Helmet/Cap, Light Blue, United Nations

    The blue UN beret/helmet, cap is worn by members of the United Nations peacekeeping force. In 1947, General Assembly resolution 167 (II) approved light blue for the United Nations flag. This distinctive color came to represent the UN. But the question arose about how could people differentiate peacekeepers from the soldiers who were actually fighting one …

  • Bible, Arid Pattern Camouflage - good news bible DND

    Bible, Arid Pattern Camouflage

    The arid (Khaki) pattern military Bible was designed specifically for Canadian soldiers and arid climate military uniforms for desert-type environments such as Afghanistan. The pattern is patented by the Department of National Defence. The cover matches the camouflage of the Canadian uniform and the Bible is the right size to fit into the uniform breast …

  • Cap, Wedge, Military, Russian (''Pilotka '') - cap serbian army soldiers wedge  cap with badge   (2)

    Cap, Wedge, Military, Russian (”Pilotka ”)

    A pilotka side cap is a foldable military cap with straight sides and a creased or hollow crown sloping to the back where it is parted. This Russian pilotka cap is known as a garrison cap or a flight cap, a wedge cap or a field service cap. The pilotka is a symbol of the Soviet …

  • Cap, Implementation Force

    Caps, Peacekeeping

    An informal head covering worn by Canadian Forces while with the NATO peacekeeping Implementation Force (IFOR) in Bosnia in 1996. Canada provided a sizable contingent to UNEF and they were uniformed the same as the British forces who were one of the belligerents in the conflict. To distinguish themselves as noncombatants, the Canadians painted their …

  • Container, Mess, Serbian (Porcija JNA M-69)  - th (7)

    Container, Mess, Serbian (Porcija JNA M-69)

    Known as Porcija JNA M-69 (often called the “Serbian mess kit”), the Yugoslav Army mess kit M-69 is a six- piece, standard issue, mess kit from the former Yugoslav People’s Army. The Porcija JNA M-69 shown is a complete mess kit that supports all the soldier’s needs to cook and eat in the field. Country …

  • Flag Afghanistan 2001

    Flag, Afghanistan, 2001

    A Loya Jirga or a “great council” has been assembled in the spring of 2002 to vote on approve the Afghan national flag with some changes including the Coat of Arms being gold instead of white, and the year now dating “1380” under the mosque instead of “1348”. In June 2002, Afghanistan officially changed its …

  • Handbook, Bosnia Country (1998)    - image1

    Handbook, Bosnia Country (1998)

    This book has been designed as a reference to provide U.S. and other NATO military forces with unclassified basic reference information on Bosnia including its geography, history, government, military forces, and Communications and transportation networks. This information is intended to familiarize military personnel with local customs and area knowledge to assist them during their assignment …

  • Insignia, FMC and UN  - nato case (3) - Copy - Copy

    Insignia, FMC and UN

    Force Mobile Command Badge. This badge is a white square on its point (in a diamond shape) with a red border. In the centre is a red maple leaf superimposed on four blue arrows pointing to the four directions. History: The badge symbolism appears to represent a preparedness to move in any direction. The badge …

  • Patch, Shoulder - International security assistance force (ISAF) shoulder patch - Copy

    ISAF Shoulder Patch

    Canadian Armed Forces ISAF Afghanistan The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) was a multinational military mission in Afghanistan. Canada participated from 2001 to 2014. More than 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members served in Afghanistan as part of the NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) making this the largest Canadian military deployment since the Second World War. Mandated by …

  • Notes, Bank (Central Bank of Iraq) - Saddam Hussein Iraqi 100 Dinar

    Notes, Bank (Central Bank of Iraq)

    History: The National Bank of Iraq became the Central Bank of Iraq in 1956. Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq (1979–2003). The dinars shown were “a powerful instrument of repression”. Beginning on 18 March 2003 (the day before United States forces entered Baghdad as part of the 2003 invasion of Iraq), nearly US$1 billion was stolen from the Central Bank of Iraq. That month, a …

  • Plaque, Rotation

    Plaque, Rotation

    This Operation UNIFIER Rotation 8 plaque represents the 2019 security training collaboration between Canadian and Ukrainian Armed Forces. Afghanistan and Peacekeeping Cabinet

  • Patch, Shoulder  - nato case (2) - Copy - Copy

    UN Peacekeeping Patch

    Insignia UN Peacekeeping Shoulder Patch 1946 The UN emblem shown on the shoulder patch was adopted in December 1946. The wreaths of olive branches are a symbol for peace, and the world map represents the people and countries of the world. Blue and white are the official UN colours. Personnel serving on UN missions wear …

  • mine data

    United Nations Documents

    Charter The UN Charter is an instrument of international law and UN Member States are bound by it. The UN charter codifies the major principles of international relations from sovereign equality of States to the prohibition of the use of force in international relations. Document, Mine The United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) was established in February 1992 as …

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