Flag, Canadian, Tri-Service Crest

Description: This is the joint service flag of the Canadian Forces.

The Canadian Forces (CF) Ensign is flown at CF Bases and used in a miniature form as the rank flag of the Chief of the Defence Staff.

Flag, Canadian, Tri-Service Crest - [Canadian Forces Ensign]
The Canadian Forces (CF) Ensign flag.
The Tri-service badge of Her Majesty’s Canadian Armed Forces. On 25 April 1967 the Canadian House of Commons passed the third and final reading of the “Armed Forces Unification Bill” which abolished the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army and the Royal Canadian Air Force and replaced them with a single defence service known as the Canadian Armed Forces.

Flag, Canadian, Tri-Service Crest - crest
Enlarged view of Triservice Crest.

The anchor is the symbol for the Royal Canadian Navy. The crossed swords represent the Canadian Army, with an emphasis on their teamwork. The eagle is emblematic of the Royal Canadian Air Force. The Royal Crown symbolizes service to the Sovereign. The wreath of maple leaves embodies the collaborative defence of Canada by the three elements of the Canadian Armed Forces.

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