Box, Toffee Candy, Earl Kitchener of Khartoum

Box, Toffee Candy, Earl Kitchener of Khartoum  - image1Halton’s Toffee Tin with Image of Earl Kitchener of Khartoum. Secretary of State for War (of Khartoum).

Ridgway’s Tea Caddy with First World War Scenes and | Etsy UK

This historic Great War hinged tin box has Earl Kitchener and the Union Flag on the lid. This design is intended for Home Front propaganda and can be dated before late1915, before French was replaced by Haig and Kitchener was drowned at sea.

Size: 4.8” by 3.6”; height 5”.

Kitchener won fame in 1898 for winning the Battle of Omdurman and securing control of the Sudan, after which he was given the title “Lord Kitchener of Khartoum”; as Chief of Staff (1900–02) in the Second Boer War he played a key role in Lord Roberts’ conquest of the Boer Republics, then succeeded Roberts as commander-in-chief – by which time Boer forces had taken to guerrilla fighting and British forces imprisoned Boer civilians in concentration camps.

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